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Whole Life With Dividends

Author: Ivon T. Hughes

No one likes to throw money away. But we don't always have a lot of cash to spare. So when the need for life insurance arises most will, quite rightly, opt for term life insurance.

Of course, term is the cheapest way to ensure protection for you and your family. The objection to buying permanent insurance versus term is that it is too expensive and does not fit in the budget. This is a very valid objection unless we combine insurance and savings together.

Return of Premium Whole Life

Whole life insurance with dividends is the most secure investment in the industry, because of three benefits.

Benefit #1: You are assured that you will receive a full refund of your premium if you maintain the policy for a minimum number of years.

Benefit #2: You can quickly build an account in your policy from which you can make loans without the need to go to a bank.

Benefit #3: Once you start this program, you force yourself to continue saving. Otherwise you lose the money you have paid along with your chance of building a permanent account from which you can borrow.

Obviously you must resolve to continue the plan over the period of time necessary to build the value.



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